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Notable Events at St John's.

We have a lot happening. On this page we show a selection of images showing something of what we do. You can either browse through and look at everything or you might prefer to go to one of the specific areas by clicking on the link below

Messy Church.
Flower Festivals click here
rimrose Court   click here    
Mayqueen visits  click here
Palm Sunday click here

Marking the Loss.

Marking the loss

St John’s arranged a special outdoor service on the May queen field, to mark the loss of friends and family to Covid. Villages were invited to place slate markers with a short message on and around a metallic arch. This which was later moved to secluded spot in our church garden for people to visit and remember their lost ones.

Messy Church.

Below- A bug hotel created in the church garden by children at a recent messy church

Messy church on Palm Sunday 2022
Messy church on Palm Sunday 2022
Messy Church 2022
Child in Chains
" Do you know what Bible story is being acted out here?" Clue - it's in Acts
Prayer Tree
Our prayer tree created during a harvest themed messy church
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Flower Festivals.

Well dressing nearly done
Well dressing nearly done.
Blessing the well
Blessing the well..
Good samaritan
The good Samaritan
Joseph & brothers
Joseph and his brothers..
Lydia's story
Lydia's story.
The Queen of sheba
The queen of Sheba.
Moses and the bulrushes..
Parable of the sower.
Noah's ark.
Noah's ark.
Parable of the sower..

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Primrose Court.

Primrose Court June 2017
Primrose Court June 2017
Primrose Court June 2017

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Mayqueen visits.

Arrival at Church
Arrival at Church.
The service
The Service.
The service
The service
Presentation to Mayqueen.
Beefeaters leaving
Beefeaters leaving
mayqueen leaving.
Mayqueen leaving.

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Palm Sunday.

On route.
On the way
Getting heavy
On we go
Arrived and erection in progress

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